3 فريلانسر "Ajax"
3 فريلانسر "Ajax"

Ahmed Fathy
Software Developer able to build web applications from the ground up – information gathering, planning, design,development,testing and delivery andmaintenance. Extremely passionate towardssoftware architecture and designcombinedwithsensitivity…
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Asmaa Abozied
Php Developer
I’m Full Stack developer with +3years of experience inPHPLaravel, Well trained indeveloping andmodifying websites from layoutto function and according to aJob specification. interested insoftwarearchitecture, design…
0 خدمات

Eman Ahmed
Backend Developer
Motivated and highly productive Backend Developer professional with a research background. Detail-oriented withstrong skills in multi-tasking and efficient management of day-to-day office operations. Adept at…
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